Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives

Bachelor : courses

Education and movement (EM)

This certificate course from the "Education and movement" option of the Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science and Technology has the main objective of providing the necessary knowledge and know-how (both scientific, methodological, technological and practical) for "teaching sports and physical activities to children and teenagers in schools and during extracurricular activities".

As well as certifying the student's capacity to "autonomously lead an activity developing skills related to sports, traditional games or expressive activities involving movement", this year-long course also aims to provide situations enabling critical thought about scientific, intellectual and cultural issues, relating to the role and educational importance of practicing sports and physical activities, as elements aiding social integration, physical and psychological health and, more generally, quality of life.

Additionally, when linked with a scientific approach, the basis of a quality training course lies in the transmission of culture and knowledge (which are essential to forming character and personality), on the pleasure of learning, the development of critical thinking and individual initiative which is essential to carrying out innovative projects, on work, commitment and perseverance.

This educational philosophy aims to introduce students to an ambitious dynamic which promotes professional integration.

Sports training (ES)

This 3rd year option of the "Sports Training" bachelor's degree has a syllabus which, through scientific, practical and methodological teaching, has the aim of transmitting knowledge enabling students to :

  • Devise training programmes based on a preliminary evaluation.
  • Carry out training sessions.
  • Communicate and participate in protecting athletes.

A placement within a sporting structure (such as a club or federation) or a research laboratory is also required. This enables students to put their knowledge into action and to develop it into professional skills which can be used after the course.

The teaching staff includes researchers, teachers and others involved in sports (trainers, directors, technical managers, etc.).

Evaluation methods for the course: written tests, oral tests, a placement report and viva.

Since the start of the university year 2012-2013, a new option "Specialisation in a sport or exercise" has been available within the Bachelor's degree :

- 80 hrs of training (including 40 hours practical training) in the sports speciality, which includes scientific knowledge (physiology and psychology applied to the speciality), technical knowledge and professional knowledge (teaching methods, regulations, video analysis, etc.).

- Classes featuring various experts from the field of sport (federations, committees, etc.) to guarantee a quality course in line with the requirements of the professional world.

- A supplement to the degree certificate is issued following the course (see professional integration)

Nantes' Sport and Exercise Science and Technology Department (in partnership with that of Rennes) offers 8 sports specialities: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Football, Gymnastics, Handball, Swimming and Sailing. If these sports specialities are not relevant to you, an option entitled "optimising performance" is also available, which also enables you to study towards Master's courses in physical preparation, intervention or training.

Sports Management (MS)

The Sports Management option aims to develop the skills and knowledge essential for analysing and identifying the people with whom future professionals will be in contact. This involves accurately identifying their distinctive features through their needs, wants, customs, etc.

Students in Sports Management also have to know about techniques, technical diversity, the internal logic of techniques, the forms they take, their history and where they can be observed. This technical knowledge is complemented by a detailed study of figures and partners within the field of sport (from both private and public sectors), as well as their strategies and human, material and financial resources. This course enables a study of different regions, and the social, legal, financial and developmental dimensions of issues relating to public policy.

Another branch of the course develops students' methodological skills relating to strategic and operational management of projects and public or private organisations.

This involves putting into action the different management strategies necessary to meet objectives and evaluate results as a source of ideas for the organisation, and working autonomously to carry out assignments. Master's students must also have a good knowledge of the design and implementation of sports and exercise related activities to be able to adapt to different contexts and venues.

Adapted Physical Activities and Health (APAS)

The Bachelor's degree in Adapted Physical Activities and Health (APAS) trains Teachers (Enseignants) in Adapted Physical Activity (EAPA).

EAPAs have the certification to work with people with physical, cognitive, psychological or social conditions reducing their level of activity and social participation. This includes people with disabilities, people with disorders, chronic diseases, people with social integration difficulties and people who are getting older.
EAPAs propose motor teaching situations that use physical, sports or artistic activities in technical, material, regulatory and motivational conditions adapted to the situation and the safety of the participant, with objectives of accessibility, education, rehabilitation and/or prevention.
EAPAs may work in different sectors such as health, social and medico-social sectors and be self-employed as independent EAPAs.

The Bachelor's degree in Adapted Physical Activities and Health offers courses which cover :

  • the understanding of healthy and pathological human movement in its different dimensions, such as physiology, biomechanics, and psychology
  • the several acute and chronic diseases for which adapted physical activity is recommended
  • the physical activities that can be used to improve health, physical function, and quality of life of people with acute or chronic disease

Students will also have 3 internships during the program: two internships of 25 hours in the second year and an internship of 150 hours in the third year.

Mis à jour le 16 November 2022.